General Meetings
Meet to inform and meet to decide
The General Meeting represents an essential time for the presentation, expression and decision-making of our Group. On this page you will find the methods and documents that will allow you to take part.
Duties and operations
There are two types of general meetings:
The Ordinary General Meeting meets at least once a year, within six months of the end of the financial year. This is a highlight of the Group’s life, as it is an opportunity to present to our shareholders the development of our business, approve the financial statements, explain our management, or make decisions that matter for the future of our company. During this type of meeting, all decisions are taken by a simple majority of the votes present or represented.
The Extraordinary General Meeting is convened to vote on any resolution whose implementation amends the capital or articles of association of our group. Major decisions are taken by a majority of 2/3 of the shareholders present or represented.
This depends on your status:
If you are a registered shareholder, the account holder (Societe Generale) will send you a notice by letter no later than 15 days before the general meeting.
If you have another status, you can find the dates of general meetings on this page, by consulting the financial press or the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires (BALO) where we publish our meeting notices at least 35 days before the date of the general meeting and our notice of meeting at least 15 days before the general meeting.
Extraordinary General Meeting of 16 December 2024
Preparatory documents for the GM
(Documentation in French)
Do you have a question about our General Meetings or your shares?
Experts are at your disposal to answer you.
Our governance
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