Environmental footprint
Sustainable and responsible real estate
Société de la Tour Eiffel is working to significantly reduce its environmental footprint through a proactive policy supported by clear and concrete objectives. Construction, renovation and sustainable management, anticipation of the consequences of climate change, support for the energy transition, actions to promote biodiversity, best practices on a daily basis: we act as a sustainable and responsible real estate company.
Taking action
on the environment
Sustainable development, reducing the footprint of our assets, raising the awareness of our service providers, employees and tenants: our environmental commitments involve meeting several challenges. To improve the environmental performance of our buildings, we take measures for all stakeholders.
we raise awareness, share, unite. We improve our knowledge of our assets by determining the water and energy consumption of our buildings and supporting our clients towards regulatory compliance in terms of mobility and travel.
with whom we work, we share our convictions and pursue a policy of commitment and progress, particularly by favouring providers that are sensitive to the environmental cause.
we encourage soft mobility (public transport, hybrid cars), reduced travel and waste production.
We develop our assets in renovation and construction operations, we aim to certify and integrate circular economy processes, notably through membership of the Booster of Reuse (Booster du Réemploi) association. We are involved in local sustainability policies. Year on year, we are increasing our scope and the level of certification of buildings in operation.
A commitment
to sustainable real estate
With the desire to invest beyond its assets, Société de la Tour Eiffel was one of the founding members of the Observatoire de l’Immobilier Durable (Sustainable Real Estate Observatory). The OID is an independent, public-interest association that brings together private and public professionals across the entire value chain to promote sustainable development and innovation in real estate. Elected member of the Board of Directors, Société de la Tour Eiffel is also is also represented by Odile Batsère, our Group’s CSR & Innovation Director, who will be elected President of the OID’s office in October 2023.
Performance indicators
Of development projects certified and subject to a clean construction charter
Of construction waste is recovered as material or energy
Of Greater Paris assets certified from an environmental standpoint
of assets mapped in relation to physical risks related to climate change
of assets located less than 500 metres from a public transport network
tCO2e/FTE/year of employee carbon footprint
Of assets are equipped with an automatic energy control system
of assets have undergone an adaptation audit
Our commitments
Our services